4EVE in TOKYO おもいでトリップ!

  • 銷售額
  • 定價 ¥3,300


タイNo.1ガールズグループ 4EVEのフォトブック
「4EVE in TOKYO おもいでトリップ!」



■4EVE in TOKYO おもいでトリップ! 3,300円(税込)
└ フォトブック(B5判/80ページ
└ ミニカード 2枚付き (全7種類)※ランダム封入

No.1 Thai Girls Group 4EVE's Photobook
"4EVE in TOKYO: A Memorable Trip!"

This photobook features the behind-the-scenes of 4EVE's MV shooting in Tokyo, shot by professional photographers, and "Tokyo Memories" captured by the members themselves using instant cameras! It also includes solo interviews with each of the seven members, a column written by a Japanese author about "4EVE from the perspective of Japanese fans," and much more!

※This is a pre-order item, with shipping scheduled for late September.
※Please note that the release date and specifications are subject to change without notice.

■ 4EVE in TOKYO: A Memorable Trip! 3,300yen (tax included) 
└ Photobook (B5 size / 80 pages) 
└ 2 mini cards included (7 types in total) *randomly inserted